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Tuesday, October 21, 2014

The scientific miracle of Quran

The scientific miracle of Quran

The scientific miracle of Quran

The scientific miracles in Qur`an tell that Qur'an is the truth from God, which the experimental Science proved many facts mentioned on it; things that couldn't have been realized with the available human instruments at the time of Muhammad (PBUH).
Qur'an is the holey book of Muslims which God revealed  to his Prophet Muhammad. There are many facts about the universe and its Phenomena that the gained science could not access until centuries after the revealing of Qur'an.
Qur'an came with a lot of signals for generations to come that believe in scientific methods; miracles starting from historical detail of the Prophets and the previous nations; Arabs did not know anything about this history except the Pontiffs and the monks who many of them left their religion at that time and  they followed the religion of Muhammad; Islam.
As for the new scientific discoveries and breakthroughs which Qur'an tackled a thousand and four hundred years ago , we can observe the following examples:
The researchers discovered that seas water do not get mixed in spite of their meeting because of existence of barrier as it is at Strait of Gibraltar .
Qur'an has confirmed this Phenomenon with Allah saying "He has let free the two bodies of flowing water, meeting together, between them is a barrier which they do not transgress" .
Astronomers proved a scientific fact that the earth is unstitched from heavens; Qur'an showed this Phenomenon when Allah said
" Have the unbelievers not seen that the heavens and the earth   were sewn up as one (solid) mass, then we unstitched them" .
After man could reach to the sky by new transportation instruments; he knew that when he rose high in the atmosphere the Oxygen and the atmospheric pressure became less , that causes some pressure on the chests and the process of breathing that becomes excessively tight; that was cleared in the verse " Whomsoever Allah desires to guide, He expands his chest to Islam (submission). Whomsoever He desires to lead astray, He makes his chest narrow, tight, as though he were climbing to heaven".

Prophet Muhammad the Leader

Prophet Muhammad the Leader

Prophet Muhammad the Leader

Arabs were mere followers before the mission of Muhammad, they became masters with him; they were rival tribes then they loved and supported one another. They were bowing their heads to Kesra and Cesar and then, after Muhammed's mission, armies of Kesra and Cesar retreated before them .
The cause of all those changes was the great leader 'Muhammad' who was the messenger of Allah to all mankind; the messenger of tolerance, love and Peace. A man who promoted a religion that is followed by more than a billion and a half billion of people all over the world.
There must be some factors that helped in the success of that political leadership, and most importantly, how could that leadership accommodate its mission in calling to Islam and the confidence in its success and victory. That leadership did not contradict itself, and it had the ability to continue to call people with persistence and persuasion. Muhammed's leadership had the ability to accommodate the respondents to his call in terms of learning , organization and direction. There was a full trust between the leader and his followers; Muhammed had the ability to recognize the capabilities of his followers and therefore could take advantage of all their mental and physical capabilities during movement. Muhammed had the ability also to solve emergency problems with extreme efficiency; he was far-sighted, pretty understanding, so that he could rule the world as a whole ,and built the Islamic state tightly makes it able to withstand long term growth.

Islam and Terrorism

Islam and Terrorism

Enemies of Islam used the globalization mechanisms of their Countries to control the spread of misconceptions. Hence, Muslims were exposed to vilification in order to keep people away from them and their religion. Describing Muslims as terrorists became common in a lot of Western societies, despite the brotherhood, tolerance, and peace found in Islam.This takes us to the question, "Does Islam promote terrorism, or does Islam forbid it? " Before answering this question, it is important to determine the defenition of "terrorism". Terrorism, according to Arabic dectionaries, is the violation of innocents and civilians through kidnapping, harming, killing, or any other act of terrorization. In this sense, Islam forbids all means of terrorism and demands Muslims to treat others with respect, love, and gentleness.
However, America along with other Countries consider all means of resistance against their occupations as terrorism. This is contrary to the provisions of legitimacy and International conventions, since the right of resistance against unjust occupations is legally permitted and guaranteed. Therefore, the Countries of occupying powers should primarily stop all their means of terrorism against Arabic and Islamic countries first as well as other countries before requesting help from others to counter terrorism. Once they stop, they will have the right to request help in order to fight the real terrorism against true innocent victims all over the world.
The closest example of such terrorism is that of Israel against the palestenians in Gaza by robbing their homes and lands and turning them into Jewish property. However, if the palestenians were to resist this occupation, Israel would consider them terrorists and act accordingly by killing civilians and arresting innocent women and children for not giving up their lands. After all that, America stands by Israel and gives them the support in everything.
The Holly Quran addressed the topic of terrorism when it talked about the enemies of humanity, freedom, and dignity in Chapter 8 Verse 60, (( Against them make ready your strenght to the utmost of your power, including steeds of war, to strike terror into (the hearts of) the enemies, of God and your enemies, and others besides, whom you may not know, but whom God knows)) As shown, the terrorism meant in this verse includes only those who are the enemies of God and the believers. However, anti-Islam movements intentionally misreprested this meaning giving Islam a bad image by saying that the Quran calls for killing civilians and innocents.
The reasons behind the hatred and enmity against Islam are mostly because of the spread idea that Islam calls for killing; so the question is, "Does Islam call for killing?" Islam calls for fighting only in clear indisputable cases that are against aggressors and oppressors. Hence, Islam calls for what all legislations on earth call for which permit a person to defend himself, his family, and his property. This is the fight permitted by Islam, so where is the blame in that? Allah says in the Quran in chapter 1 verse 190, (( Fight in the cause of God those who fight you, but do not transgress limits; for God does not love transgressors)). He also says in chapter 1 verse 194, ((If then any one transgresses the prohibition against you, transgress you likewise against him. But fear God, and know that God is with those who restrain themselves)). Islam calls for coexistence and tolerance but also does not accept indignity & aggression and hence permits returning the aggression. In the biography of the prophet Mohammed peace be upon him we can see that he never ever began a fight with anyone; all of his fights and battles were self-defense against his enemies who would start the fight or show disloyalty by breaking the covenant.

Islam and Woman

Islam and Woman

Islam and Woman

In the christian france in 586 AD, a conference was held to discuss whether the woman is a human with a soul or not?! , and if she has a soul, is it of a human or animal nature?! , And if her soul equal to the soul of the man or not? At the end they agreed that she has a soul but it is inferior because it is only created to serve the desires of the man.
“The evil, coward and corrupt spirits of men are the ones from which women were created” Plato
Before Islam, the Romans and Arabs used to bury their young daughters because they didn’t want to have female offspring, for them, they cause disgrace and they are not useful when they grow older, they would simply put them in a hole and throw dust over them.
In our civilized world, there are 127 countries located in the Caribbean, West Africa and Latin America which export the commodity of women, they deal in women trafficking to western European countries and north America where women are exploited in the most brutal way such as hard labor and prostitution.
Before Islam, the whole world dealt with women as inferior creatures, even in religions she does not have a dignity or humanity, for instance in India, the wife was like a slave in her husband’s house, he could lose her in a gambling or give her as a gift to his friends, if her husband dies, she cannot marry anyone else, in many cases they burn her alive.
Also in China, the husband can bury his wife alive if she disobeys him, if he dies, his family inherits her and they own her like a property.
“The existence of the women is the main reason and source of crisis and destruction in the world, the woman is like a poisonous tree, her appearance is beautiful but when birds eat from it they die immediately” Socrates
The male priests judge women and control them, when they wish they get rid of her, do not talk to me about her rights, we want from her to be just like what we want, we want her to fulfill our commands, we own her, she is our slave, the woman accused by her husband of adultery is sentenced to death even if he does not have proof.




It is known for each follower of history that there are quite a few chapters and scenes of conflict and congestion reached often to military confrontation between Islam and the West.

What was of illuminated aspects in this relationship, there is an exception has remained because the points of confrontation and collision overtook quantity and quality since the appearance of Islam to the present day, there are ethnic practices and other forms of hostility and discrimination against Islam and Muslims in many parts in the World which have been included recently under the name of Islamophobia.

Islamophobia…. New term to old meaning

The term « Phobia »refers to subconscious and unwarranted fear of situations or persons or activities or specific bodies, and so is classified as an Insanity that should and cured.

When adding this word to Islam «islamophobia»the  meaning becomes unwarranted Phobia and hostility and rejection of Islam and Muslims, but this definition is inaccurate because this issue is not about disease that has infected the western society, but it is a phenomenon its political and social causes which resulted in this negative feelings that is gripping the western society towards Muslims, feelings translate unjust behaviors concerning the right of Islam and Muslims.

A Muslim Why

A Muslim Why

A Muslim Why ?

Ismail Imadudeen
Few people in the West do not respect Islam, and some of them do not respect any religion. They think that religion is the cause of all misery that mankind has been facing from the dawn of history until today.
Some people who embrace other religions than Islam do not understand why Muslims  are so attached to their religion and prophet, Muhammed (PBUH).
Well, during some part of my life I asked myself some questions like: "Is there a god?" " Where is god?" " Which religion should I embrace?"
I saw on TV and other places different people who believed in different faiths, and, surprisingly, I found each one of them quite satisfied with that? How can different people have the same satisfaction of different religions? Each one of them thinks that he/she is right, and others are wrong! So, where does the truth lie?
I had to have a starting point i.e. I could afford being caught in the middle of nowhere with that issue. If ever there is a god in this universe, how should he be? I thought to myself that god must be something so great, so powerful, so unique and incomparable. This is logical considering the mighty universe and the amazing planet earth.
Everything in our universe proves clearly the existence of such dominant god. So, the second step was to decide on the right path. I found Christianity along with other religions such as Hinduism and Buddhism set humans as influential and of godly power. This, particularly, was not acceptable to me, because I perceive such ideas as myths and superstitions than anything related to logical thinking (I would like to express my fullest respect to each person's choice of his/her faith, though).

What is Islam

What is Islam

What’s Islam ?

What’s Islam? That is a question many people are asking today, and really Islam is the topic of many discussions yet very often people don’t really have the essence of the meaning even Muslims themselves are not really sure how to translate it. The word Islam is the only word not translated from the Quran when they bring it to the English language. And there is a reason for that when we go to the Arabic dictionary, we find that it takes a series of words to represent the concept of what “aslama” means. ASLAMA is the verb for the noun Islam. It carries a meaning of surrender, submission, obedience, sincerity and peace. We understand about surrender to give in, submit to go along with something. To obey the commandments and to be sincere and we can stop right there for a moment and think about it. If it requires sincerity then there is no possible way that you would be forced on anyway. Because if anyone was forced to do anything, then it would no longer be sincerity, Thus we realize the concept of Islam being spread by the sword or any type of force is impossible, because Islam requires sincerity. Finally the word peace, this is the peace that a person has in their heart, after they have done the other four. Meaning that they have surrendered, submitted in obedience and sincerity and now they are going to be in peace in whatever transpires or comes out of it.


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