Islam and Terrorism
Enemies of Islam used the globalization mechanisms of their Countries to control the spread of misconceptions. Hence, Muslims were exposed to vilification in order to keep people away from them and their religion. Describing Muslims as terrorists became common in a lot of Western societies, despite the brotherhood, tolerance, and peace found in Islam.This takes us to the question, "Does Islam promote terrorism, or does Islam forbid it? " Before answering this question, it is important to determine the defenition of "terrorism". Terrorism, according to Arabic dectionaries, is the violation of innocents and civilians through kidnapping, harming, killing, or any other act of terrorization. In this sense, Islam forbids all means of terrorism and demands Muslims to treat others with respect, love, and gentleness.
However, America along with other Countries consider all means of resistance against their occupations as terrorism. This is contrary to the provisions of legitimacy and International conventions, since the right of resistance against unjust occupations is legally permitted and guaranteed. Therefore, the Countries of occupying powers should primarily stop all their means of terrorism against Arabic and Islamic countries first as well as other countries before requesting help from others to counter terrorism. Once they stop, they will have the right to request help in order to fight the real terrorism against true innocent victims all over the world.
The closest example of such terrorism is that of Israel against the palestenians in Gaza by robbing their homes and lands and turning them into Jewish property. However, if the palestenians were to resist this occupation, Israel would consider them terrorists and act accordingly by killing civilians and arresting innocent women and children for not giving up their lands. After all that, America stands by Israel and gives them the support in everything.
The Holly Quran addressed the topic of terrorism when it talked about the enemies of humanity, freedom, and dignity in Chapter 8 Verse 60, (( Against them make ready your strenght to the utmost of your power, including steeds of war, to strike terror into (the hearts of) the enemies, of God and your enemies, and others besides, whom you may not know, but whom God knows)) As shown, the terrorism meant in this verse includes only those who are the enemies of God and the believers. However, anti-Islam movements intentionally misreprested this meaning giving Islam a bad image by saying that the Quran calls for killing civilians and innocents.
The reasons behind the hatred and enmity against Islam are mostly because of the spread idea that Islam calls for killing; so the question is, "Does Islam call for killing?" Islam calls for fighting only in clear indisputable cases that are against aggressors and oppressors. Hence, Islam calls for what all legislations on earth call for which permit a person to defend himself, his family, and his property. This is the fight permitted by Islam, so where is the blame in that? Allah says in the Quran in chapter 1 verse 190, (( Fight in the cause of God those who fight you, but do not transgress limits; for God does not love transgressors)). He also says in chapter 1 verse 194, ((If then any one transgresses the prohibition against you, transgress you likewise against him. But fear God, and know that God is with those who restrain themselves)). Islam calls for coexistence and tolerance but also does not accept indignity & aggression and hence permits returning the aggression. In the biography of the prophet Mohammed peace be upon him we can see that he never ever began a fight with anyone; all of his fights and battles were self-defense against his enemies who would start the fight or show disloyalty by breaking the covenant.
The history of Muslims, since its begining and until today, is clear of any racial discrimination, inquisition, and aggression. Muslims did not anhilate nations like the native Indeans or the inhabitants of Australia like the doings of the Crusaders and Tatars afterwards. During the Islamic Conquests, Muslim leaders wanted to spread Islam, the great religion of mercy, tolerance, and ethics, that could liberate the enslaved people. Hence, to spread Islam, Muslims had to defeat the non-responding authorities that controlled those countries and did not permit Muslims from preaching the message of Prophet Mohammed peace be upon him to their people. The kings of that time forced their religion and doctrine on their people and from here came the common saying of that time: people are on the religion of their kings. Islam wanted to give those people their right to choose their own religion after they had been invaded by the Greeks and Persians who enslaved them unjustly and aggressively. Muslim leaders liberated those nations afterwards and gave them the right to choose their own belief. Islam guaranteed the right of a person to believe what he wants without fear or compulsion as it is mentioned in the Quran in chapter 1 verse 256, (( Let there be no compulsion in religion)) Allah also says in chapter 18 verse 29, (( Say, "The Truth is from your Lord" : let him who will, believe, and let him who will, reject (it) )) Is there any doubt, after all these verses from the Quran, that Islam is innocent from the accusations pointed out by its enemies ?! At the end, the logic of those who are in power remains capable of turning the facts. The right becomes wrong, the falsehood becomes the truth, resistance becomes terrorism, terrorism becomes self-defence, and the victim becomes the culprit. Read about Islam from its reliable sources to get to know more about this great religion that encourages the good in people and fights against the evil.However, America along with other Countries consider all means of resistance against their occupations as terrorism. This is contrary to the provisions of legitimacy and International conventions, since the right of resistance against unjust occupations is legally permitted and guaranteed. Therefore, the Countries of occupying powers should primarily stop all their means of terrorism against Arabic and Islamic countries first as well as other countries before requesting help from others to counter terrorism. Once they stop, they will have the right to request help in order to fight the real terrorism against true innocent victims all over the world.
The closest example of such terrorism is that of Israel against the palestenians in Gaza by robbing their homes and lands and turning them into Jewish property. However, if the palestenians were to resist this occupation, Israel would consider them terrorists and act accordingly by killing civilians and arresting innocent women and children for not giving up their lands. After all that, America stands by Israel and gives them the support in everything.
The Holly Quran addressed the topic of terrorism when it talked about the enemies of humanity, freedom, and dignity in Chapter 8 Verse 60, (( Against them make ready your strenght to the utmost of your power, including steeds of war, to strike terror into (the hearts of) the enemies, of God and your enemies, and others besides, whom you may not know, but whom God knows)) As shown, the terrorism meant in this verse includes only those who are the enemies of God and the believers. However, anti-Islam movements intentionally misreprested this meaning giving Islam a bad image by saying that the Quran calls for killing civilians and innocents.
The reasons behind the hatred and enmity against Islam are mostly because of the spread idea that Islam calls for killing; so the question is, "Does Islam call for killing?" Islam calls for fighting only in clear indisputable cases that are against aggressors and oppressors. Hence, Islam calls for what all legislations on earth call for which permit a person to defend himself, his family, and his property. This is the fight permitted by Islam, so where is the blame in that? Allah says in the Quran in chapter 1 verse 190, (( Fight in the cause of God those who fight you, but do not transgress limits; for God does not love transgressors)). He also says in chapter 1 verse 194, ((If then any one transgresses the prohibition against you, transgress you likewise against him. But fear God, and know that God is with those who restrain themselves)). Islam calls for coexistence and tolerance but also does not accept indignity & aggression and hence permits returning the aggression. In the biography of the prophet Mohammed peace be upon him we can see that he never ever began a fight with anyone; all of his fights and battles were self-defense against his enemies who would start the fight or show disloyalty by breaking the covenant.
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