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Tuesday, October 21, 2014

A Muslim Why

A Muslim Why

A Muslim Why ?

Ismail Imadudeen
Few people in the West do not respect Islam, and some of them do not respect any religion. They think that religion is the cause of all misery that mankind has been facing from the dawn of history until today.
Some people who embrace other religions than Islam do not understand why Muslims  are so attached to their religion and prophet, Muhammed (PBUH).
Well, during some part of my life I asked myself some questions like: "Is there a god?" " Where is god?" " Which religion should I embrace?"
I saw on TV and other places different people who believed in different faiths, and, surprisingly, I found each one of them quite satisfied with that? How can different people have the same satisfaction of different religions? Each one of them thinks that he/she is right, and others are wrong! So, where does the truth lie?
I had to have a starting point i.e. I could afford being caught in the middle of nowhere with that issue. If ever there is a god in this universe, how should he be? I thought to myself that god must be something so great, so powerful, so unique and incomparable. This is logical considering the mighty universe and the amazing planet earth.
Everything in our universe proves clearly the existence of such dominant god. So, the second step was to decide on the right path. I found Christianity along with other religions such as Hinduism and Buddhism set humans as influential and of godly power. This, particularly, was not acceptable to me, because I perceive such ideas as myths and superstitions than anything related to logical thinking (I would like to express my fullest respect to each person's choice of his/her faith, though).

Judaism, on the other side of the picture, set people in ranks in the eye of god, i.e. there is a different Jew from the other, or some inferior to others. This was not acceptable to me either, because I do not want to be an inferior human being amongst my fellow humans; I believe that all humans should be set equal.
Then I found in Qur`an, the holy book of Muslims, those magical verses that address logical issues related to Allah, god's name in Islam, i.e.
" Say: He is Allah, the One and Only(1) Allah, the eternal, Absolute(2) He begetteth not, nor is He begotten(3) And there is none comparable to Him(4)" This is called Al Ikhlas or Fidelity in the holy Qur`an.
 This was the only description of the nature of god as perceived by my mind. So it was Islam that could answer the question of god far from any mythical stories or illogical ideas.
Talking about good manners and charity, Islam has the same lovely principles of tolerance, giving and mercy found in other religions.
In conclusion, God who created that mighty universe and this sophisticated planet earth must not be anything but unique, extremely powerful and incomparable; the descriptions found only in the Muslim's holy book, or the Qur`an.

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